
QR Code Generator

Our QR Code Generator offers a user-friendly experience, enabling you to create QR codes effortlessly, even if you’re a beginner. Simplify your communication, save time, and engage your audience with our efficient and compact QR codes.

Password Generator

Our Password Generator is designed to simplify the process of creating strong passwords, ensuring the safety of your online presence. Protect your valuable information and enhance your digital security with just a few short steps.

Word Counter

Our Word Counter can handle texts of any length, from a short phrase to an extensive document. By keeping your message concise, you ensure a faster and more efficient word counting process.Experience the convenience and simplicity of our Word Counter today, and effortlessly keep track of your word count using a minimal message length.

BMI Calculator

Calculates Body Mass Index based on height and weight, providing an indication of a person’s overall health.

Resume Builder

Experience the convenience and professionalism of our Resume Builder today, and create an impressive resume with ease using a minimal message length.

Typing Test and Speed Checker

Experience the convenience and accuracy of our Typing Speed Checker today, and measure your typing speed with ease using a minimal message length.

Welcome to Voolt

soft tool services

Why us

At Voolt, we understand the importance of simplicity and efficiency in today’s fast-paced digital world. That’s why our web tools are designed with a user-friendly interface and a focus on delivering results quickly. With just a few clicks, you can accomplish tasks that once seemed complex or time-consuming.

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